Giterdun Publishing BC Skiing & Mountaineering in Rocky Mountain National By Mark Kelly

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Mild to Wild Lines | Ski Mountaineering & Backcountry
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Former Colorado Mountain School guide put together this great tome of info on all the great lines in RMNP. Chock full of pictures and maps along with the wry sense of being on the sharp end. Winter and spring options are offered; there’s plenty of mild as well as wild lines. Enjoy the jewel of Colorado.




  • Ski Mountaineering Zones: Wild Basin, Longs Trailhead, Glacier Gorge, Sky Pond, Bear Lake, Trail Ridge Road, Lawn Lake, and some challenges.
  • Backcountry Skiing Zones: Glacier Knobs Area, Olympic Games Area, The Easy Alleys, Mount Otis, Flattop Mountain, Joe Mills Mountain, Hidden Valley, Dream Shots, Pillows, MSF, Steps and Homerun
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