Joshua Tree National Park Recreation Map

Article code 11545
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Trailheads, Ranger Stations, Campgrounds, Water, & More
Delivery time: 5-7 Business Days


The Joshua Tree National Park, located in the Southern California's south-most part of the Mojave Desert. This map, brought up to date at the end of 2017, scaled to 1:126120 of 1 inch representing 2 mile, with elevation contour lines every 200 feet is the most accurate and up-to-date map for the area. The shade relief brings the map alive.

Major roads, trails and off-road trails are well marked and user's priority indicated.
Standard map icons mark Trailheads, Ranger station,Campgrounds, water availability, RV parks, campgrounds and more.




  • pub. 2018
  • scale 1:126,120
  • 200 foot contours



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